Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Ant-Man Review

"Heroes don't get any bigger"


Well this was a fun movie wasn't it? Well at least the middle and end of the movie that is. Now don't get me wrong, I absolutely enjoyed the movie. Everyone involved was very into their roles and they sold the story to me. The story was fantastic in the way that it flowed. In fact it was so good that it made the beginning of the movie so boring that I wanted to snooze through it. But if you can sit through 30-40 minutes or so of boring story telling then the ending is well worth the wait. It takes patience to get to the good parts of the movie. For example (last warning on spoilers) the scene at the New Avengers headquarters between Ant-Man and Falcon was excellent. Maybe one of the best scenes in the whole movie! The final battle between Ant-Man and Yellowjacket was also really well put together. Another part that makes the entire movie well worthwhile are the post-credits scenes. After a (in my opinion) lackluster post-credits scene for Avengers: Age of Ultron, Marvel delivers a huge knockout blow with these scenes. The first setting up a future hero (or heroine should I say *wink wink*). The second scene setting the stage for Captain America: Civil War and how Ant-Man himself will be involved. These scenes alone are worth the price of admission. Was this the best Marvel movie of all time? No. Was this the worst Marvel movie ever? No. Would I watch Ant-Man again? Certainly. The movie is still really good and remembering that this basically helped set-up the next movie helps make it better. I can only hope that for future origin stories in the near future, Marvel will continue this streak of good story telling. Just hopefully the openings of those movies are better than this one.

(Images used are not mine and all rights are to the original owner.)

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